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Archaeological Museum "San Lorenzo"

The private space

Prima metà I sec. d.C.


The garden’s furniture was made up of oscilla (decorated disks in stone or clay) and theater masks which were hanging down from the columns; the herms were used as decorations in the green area; the Gods were represented by the statues of Venus and Diana and small animals or glassed stones were detectable in the grass. Also some supports in stone for oil lamps and drinking troughs for the birds were found.

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It expresses what the political authority wanted to communicate ideologically, not only at local level but also directly to Rome
The public space
It expresses what the political authority wanted to communicate ideologically, not only at local level but also directly to Rome
Sepulchral stones and grave goods considered necessary for the afterlife
The necropolis
Sepulchral stones and grave goods considered necessary for the afterlife
It enhances the prestige of the élites among the pares and towards the other clientes
The private space
It enhances the prestige of the élites among the pares and towards the other clientes