Town Museum "Ala Ponzone" - via Ugolani Dati, 4 - Cremona
Full-price ticket € 10,00
Reduced-price ticket € 8,00
Ticket office: tel 0372 407770 | museoalaponzone.biglietteria@comune.cremona.it
Free ticket on the first Sunday of every month.
Reduced price tickets (you are required to show a valid document):
- family froups of at least four people;
- university students;
- young people from 18 to 25 years old;
- groups of at leat 15 people;
- owners of the Infopoint’s Welcome Card;
- owners of the card GardaMusei;
- AIDO Cremona members + 1 person;
- Touring club members
- FAI members
- people who are over 65
Free admission (you are required to show a valid document):
Archaeological Museum "San Lorenzo" - via San Lorenzo, 4 - Cremona
Single ticket € 3,00
Ticket office: tel 366 6673881 | museo.archeologico@comune.cremona.it
Free admission on the first Sunday of every month.
Violin’s Museum - Piazza Marconi 5 – 26100 Cremona
Full-price ticket: € 12,00
Reduced-price ticket: € 8,00
Buy the ticket
Natural History Museum - via Ugolani Dati, 4
Free admission
Information: tel 0372 407768 | museo.storianaturale@comune.cremona.it
Folk Culture Museum, Farm "Il Cambonino Vecchio" - Viale Cambonino, 22
Free entrance
Information: 0372 560025 | museo.cambonino@comune.cremona.it
Museo Diocesano
- € 10,00 biglietto cumulativo intero, valido per Museo Diocesano, Battistero e Torrazzo/Museo Verticale, con validità di 24 h
- € 8,00 biglietto cumulativo ridotto per gruppi* superiori ai 15 partecipanti, valido per tutto il polo museale diocesano.
- € 5,00 speciale scuole*, valido per tutto il polo museale diocesano
- € 5,00 speciale Lunedì al Torrazzo. Valido solo per il Torrazzo/Museo Verticale.
* per i gruppi è gradita la prenotazione
Combined ticket (Violin’s Museum + Town Museum + Archaeological Museum)
Full-price ticket € 14,00 Reduced-price ticket (only schools) € 10,00
Combined ticket (Town Museum + Archaeological Museum)
Full-price ticket € 12,00
Reduced-price ticket (only schools) € 5,00,
Owners of the card GardaMusei € 6,00
Ticket for a didactic activity: €2