

Ugolani Dati 4, 26100 Cremona


Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Attention from the 1st of July to the 31st of August the Museum will respect the following opening hours:

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Wednesday: 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Thursday: 9.00a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. | 08.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. (free ticket at night)

Saturday: 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. | 08.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. (free ticket at night)

Sunday: 9.00a.m. – 2.00 p.m.


Full price: 10,00 €

Reduced: 8.00 €

Museum admission is free on the first Sunday of each month and at night on Friday and Saturday in Summer.

Cumulative (Violin Museum + Civic Museum + Archaeological Museum)

reduced (schools only): 10,00 €

full price: 14,00 €

Cumulative (Civic Museum + Archaeological Museum) full price: € 12.00

reduced (schools only): € 5.00, members of Gite in Lombardia: € 6.00

Online tickets are on sale at vivaticket

Artworks not in the museum at the moment:
- BERNARDINO CAMPI - Ritratto di gentiluomo (Catellano Cotta)
- BERNARDINO CAMPI - Madonna in trono col Bambino e i santi Benedetto, Francesco e Giuseppe
These paintings are at the moment at the exhibition: Donne di genio. Le donne artiste e i loro compagni di viaggio, in Basel (CH), at the Kunstmuseum Basel, from the 2nd of March to the 30th of June 2024.

- TRANQUILLO CREMONA - Marco Polo presentato da suo padre a Cubilai Gran Khan de' Tartari (bozzetto)
This painting is at the moment at the exhibition: Marco Polo. Venice, Palazzo Ducale, till the 29th of September 2024.

- GIUSEPPE MORONI - Colonie fluviali.
This painting is at the moment at the exhibition: Arte e fascismo. Mart Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea in Trento and Rovereto, till the 1st of September 2024.

- GIOVANNI CARNOVALI (named il PICCIO) - Ritratto di Giovanni Beltrami
The artwork is at the moment at the exhibition: Da Canova a Hayez. Giovanni Battista Sommariva mecenate e collezionista. Villa Carlotta, Tremezzo (CO) till the 30th of September 2024.

The first section is dedicated to the Middle Ages and to the 15th Century, with some sculptures, torn frescos, ceiling tiles and a wide selection of the production connected to the work of the Bembo family.

And then the section entitled Cremona’s painting of the 16th Century, which offers a complete anthology of those painters who testify, with their works, the passage from the 15th Century tradition to the modern manner and the arrival of the new Renaissance style through the works by Camillo Boccaccino, Gian Francesco Bembo and the Campi. This group of artists anticipated the naturalistic style which would arrive till Caravaggio, here represented by the famous St. Francis in meditation.

The San Domenico Room hosts a series of artworks coming from the destroyed church of the preaching friars and it shows the contribution of Milan in the local culture of the 17th Century (Cerano, Nuvolone, Procaccini).

The other rooms are dedicated to the still-life painting in Cremona, the portraits of the Ponzone family and the paintings of the 17th(Genovesino), 18th and 19th century with the arrival of new styles like the Neoclassicism (Diotti) and Romanticism (Piccio).

The last rooms host a selection of applied art objects (porcelains from the East, pottery and majolicas from Lombardy and Europe, objects in ebony, enamel objects); a section dedicated to Cremona’s artworks, with some works connected to the history of the town and to its painting representation; an overview on the painting tradition from Lombardy and Cremona in the second 19th and 20th Century.

The Town Museum has a special section dedicated to the drawings and the prints. This part of the Museum is not open to the public but it possible to set an appointment if you want to visit it.
You can make a reservation following the rules included in the specific section: museum’s archives.

History of the collection

The Museum’s collection is based on the legacy of the Marquess Giuseppe Sigismondo Ala Ponzone.
The collection (paintings, prints, drawings, sculptures, objects in ivory and enamel, numismatics, books, ornithological and natural sciences items) represented a good example of the global interest for collecting different kinds of objects, like in an ancient “Wunderkammer”. On the other hand, the criteria followed in the artistic choices highlight the aspiration to implement a sort of historiographical project.

The donor decided that half of his good should have been used to re-build the “Sculpture School Ala Ponzone” demonstrating his desire to establish a didactic building, a place to train the artists.

The Ala Ponzone Museum was opened in 1888 in Ala Ponzone Palace but it was transferred in the current Affaitati Palace only in1928.


Ugolani Dati 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italia)

Tel. 0372 407770
0039 333 334 1310