The educational services: general information
We consider the museum an important place of cultural improvement, discovery, integration and social inclusion. And we want it to become a joyful and interesting place for all those who visit it: a place to be loved. For this reason, in the Educational Service of Cremona’s Museums, we work to open the museums’ doors and make them accessible to the biggest number of people. Starting from the youngest ones.
What can we do?
We constantly work to present our museums as a special educational environment with its own peculiarities; Every year we propose visits and workshops for all the school grades in order to support young people in discovering the past, the nature and the human beings through the artistic production, the lifestyles, the environments, the relationship with biodiversity.
The team of the educational department is made up of different skilled professionals and it:
- organizes tailor-made visits to the Museums,
- organizes visits in the town,
- proposes practical workshops,
- makes educational tools and materials,
- works to make the educational activities an expression of the Museum System’s philosophy. We work to foster the active debate concerning the artworks, the ancient artifacts and the natural elements.
For further information:
Write an email to:
Laura Maiavacca
Call: 0372 407765
The museums’ tickets for the classes are free.
For the workshops, guided tours and specific activities it was established a cost (to be determined).
In case it is requested a guided tour and a workshop the cost is ... (to be determined).
We kindly invite the schools to use pagoPa for their payments.

Cremona Museums’ Educational services
Via Ugolani Dati 4, 26100 Cremona (CR )
0372 407765 - museo.didattica@comune.cremona.it
Opening hours
From Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m.- 1.00 p.m.
Wednesday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.