


It is entitled “Endangered” the new exhibition at the Natural History Museum that you can visit from the 12th of October to the 2nd of November. In the room of the temporary exhibitions you will have the opportunity to admire the works by Tiziana Sanna.

Her creative experience has developed in the framework of the Wildlife Art.
«It is an artistic movement which was born in Great Britain and which is mainly inspired by the wildlife. “Wild” means anything savage, uncontaminated, connected to the nature, the animals, the places: the wildlife artists portray in a hyper-realistic way this world catching its deep instincts».

Watching her big pictures you can admire endangered animals like tigers, lions, leopards, rhinoceros, giraffes, zebras, pandas, gorillas but also some typical animals of Sardinia living in the wild.

«Behind the realistic representation of each animal, says the painter, are hidden deeper meanings: the search of precision, the meticulousness, the attention for the details. They are not only photos but they reveal the deep respect that I have for the nature, for these wonderful animals, for their uncontaminated and free character».

The exhibition’s curator is Simone Fappanni.


Via Ugolani Dati 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italy)