
Fundamental instrument to analyze the urban environment and the delicate relationships which regulate this complex ecosystem, the ornithological atlases are essential for the management of the territorial development. They represent a new perspective, a working tool respectful of the naturalistic value of every single city.
This will be the theme of a two-day workshop which is taking place in Cremona on the 29th and 30th of November 2024, with the participation of some experts coming from several Institutions and Universities from all over Italy.


Friday 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. | Saturday 09:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Organizers and chairman:

Anna Mosconi, Pietro Giovacchini, Marco Dinetti, Maurizio Fraissinet

The workshop has a limited number of participants.

If you want to participate, please fill in the following form:


Fill in the following form to participate to the event

Day of participation

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Ugolani Dati, 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italia)