


You need a reservation for the workshop

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Cremona’s Ala Ponzone Town Museum participates to the third weekend of the Lombardy 19th Century Network, an event dedicated to the artistic experiences during which the museums participating to the Network can propose visits, workshops and activities!

In Cremona we have organized a library exhibition and a workshop for the families:

from Saturday the 21st of September – IN THE LIBRARY OF THE MARQUIS
In the Museum’s Columns Room you will find some works of the Ala Ponzone Library: books with very precious binding, historic-artistic essays (which testify the interests of the Marquis Giuseppe Sigismondo Ala Ponzone), rare books and a copy of the Sfragistica cremonese, the most important work for the Marquis in which he has cataloged his collection of seals.

The ticket is free

Saturday the 21st of September – 10.30 a.m. - DISCOVERING THE BOOKS OF THE MARQUIS (workshop for the families)
Ancient paper, stamps and sealing wax: these are the materials that we are going to use to make our personal book!
Our event will start at the entrance of the Museum, in the Columns’ Room, where we will find some ancient and precious books of the Marquis Ala Ponzone, founder of the Museum.
Taking inspiration from these we will discover how to make a book, we will learn to recognize his personal coat of arms and we will make ours to decorate our book.

The activity is free but you must make a reservation sending an email to:

If you need further information about the other museums of the Network or if you are interested in discovering the activities proposed, please download the program attached or visit the website:

Rete dell'800 lombardo


Via Ugolani Dati 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italy)