An art exhibition about Franca Baratti

This exhibition is a tribute to the Cremonese artist Franca Baratti and it presents a selection of her artworks (some of them never presented to the public) which highlight all the creative phases she has passed through. The exhibition’s aim is describing the evolution in the artist’s research, focusing on the less known artistic periods which made Franca Baratti famous and appreciated beyond the town’s borders. Moreover, the exhibition will support the analysis of the complex inspiration and constant work on the materials which characterized especially the last artist’s seasons, defining her as an artist never satisfied by the results obtained and always searching new technical possibilities.

Guided tours

Every Sunday in October at 11:00 a.m. a free guided tour with the curators.

It is highly recommended to make a reservation contacting the ticket office of the museum:

0372 407770 |


Via Ugolani Dati 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italy)