Natural History Museum


The exhibition, curated by Siria Bertorelli, is dedicated to some neurodivergent artists. This is the event’s third edition.

The exhibition includes more than 60 artworks (drawings, paintings, sculptures and handmade products). They establish a fruitful dialogue with the items of the Natural History Museum to propose an alternative vision of the Nature and of the Natural Sciences.

The exhibition aims at proposing an ironically wrong art which, in reality, reveals an alternative vision of the world. This vision can convey the magics of the creative act which can become a freedom’s gesture, full of joy and far from the mistakes’ fear.

The exhibition is organized thanks to the cooperation between Centre Ticonzero Aps, Cremona Museums – Natural History Museum and Project Inclusi-on and with the participation of the Atelier Ticonzero Winifred in Crema. Its implementation was supported by Matti da Rilegare, Cultural Association Emmeci, all the volunteers of the Association, the promotional graphics of Lisa Gelli and the set-up by Alexs Corsentino.

Wrong Vision III opened on Friday the 24th of May at 4.30 p.m. and you will have the opportunity to visit it till Sunday the 23rd of June (Natural History Museum).


Ugolani Dati, 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italia)